email marketing

Emails Over 300 Words Have the Worst Conversion Rates

250 Words Is the Magic Number for Click Rates 

Long emails don't work well. If you want more people to open and click your emails, keep them short. Emails with over 300 words? 

Bad idea. They have the worst conversion rates. You lose people's interest when emails drag on.

250 Words Emails Perform Best

So, what's the sweet spot? Aim for around 250 words. Yes, that's the magic number. This length boosts click rates. People like quick, easy-to-read emails. 

They don't want to spend too much time on one message. Short sentences, clear messages – that's the winning formula.

Think about it – how often do you read lengthy emails from start to finish? Probably not too often. 

Most people scan emails quickly. If your email is short and to the point, they're more likely to read the whole thing.

Now, you might wonder, "Can I fit everything in 250 words?" Yes, you can. Keep it focused. Highlight the key points. Get rid of unnecessary details. People appreciate brevity.

Remember, Attention Spans are Short

In a world full of distractions, your email competes for attention. Don't make people work hard to understand your message. Make it easy for them.

Consider mobile users. Many check emails on their phones. Long paragraphs are a turn-off. Short, punchy sentences are mobile-friendly. Your message gets across without overwhelming your reader.

Why does this matter? Because better conversion rates mean more success. Whether you're selling a product, sharing information, or seeking a response, you want people to engage.

Think about your own inbox. What emails do you open? Probably the ones that look easy to read, right? Apply the same logic to your emails.

So, keep it short – around 250 words.  Your audience will thank you for it. In the world of emails, less is often more.

Crafting Impactful Emails - The best Strategy

Now, you might be thinking, "But what about important information? Can I still convey everything in just 250 words?" Absolutely. It's all about being efficient with your words. Get to the point without unnecessary fluff.

Subject line

Consider the subject line. It's the first thing people see. Make it snappy. A short, compelling subject line increases the chances of your email being opened. Remember, curiosity sparks interest.


When diving into the email body, start with a brief greeting. Be personal, but don't linger. Your recipients want to know what's in it for them. Cut to the chase.


If you're sharing news or updates, highlight the key details. What's the crucial information your readers need? Be clear and concise. Long-winded explanations can lose your audience.


For promotional emails, focus on the benefits. Why should your readers take action? Whether it's a discount, a special offer, or valuable content, make it clear and enticing.


Using bullet points or numbered lists can break down information effectively. This format is easy on the eyes and keeps things organized. Readers can quickly scan and grasp the essential points.

Calls to action

When it comes to calls to action, keep them straightforward. Whether it's "Shop Now," "Learn More," or "Get Started," make it easy for your audience to know what to do next. The goal is clarity and simplicity.


Now, let's talk about visuals. A well-placed image can enhance your message. But remember, not everyone loads images in their emails. Ensure your email makes sense even without them. Alt text can help convey your message if images are blocked.


Lastly, the closing. Keep it brief and friendly. If a response is needed, clearly express that. Otherwise, a simple thank you or a closing remark is sufficient. Overly long sign-offs can dilute your email's impact.

In a world where attention is a precious commodity, every word counts. By respecting your audience's time and delivering concise, focused content, you increase the likelihood of engagement. The magic isn't just in the number of words; it's in the quality of your message.