Keyword tools 

The Best Keyword Research Tools After Google Search Leak

Google uses a site authority score, Navboost metrics, and a keyword stuffing score. It favors older sites with high authority and regular publishing. SEO experts recommend using tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, Google Keyword Planner, and Ubersuggest to navigate these factors and improve rankings, as Google has misled SEOs in the past.

5th June 2024

Google hack seo


In a recent leak, Google’s search ranking secrets were exposed. Small blogs and personal websites face a tough challenge. Google doesn't favor them much.


Google uses a site authority score. This score determines the ranking of websites. Sites with higher authority get better rankings.


Google also uses Navboost. Navboost measures click data and time spent on-site. Sites with more engagement rank higher.


To boost ranking, publish at least 20 times a month. Regular updates improve your ranking potential. Properly optimized anchor text also helps.


Google has a keyword stuffing score. Overuse of keywords can hurt your ranking. Balance is key in SEO.


Understanding Site Authority Score

Site authority is crucial. Google ranks sites with high authority better. High authority comes from good content and backlinks.


For example, a site with 100 quality backlinks ranks better than one with 10. Quality matters more than quantity. SEO experts suggest focusing on building strong backlinks.


Authority scores range from 0 to 100. Higher scores mean better rankings. Sites above 60 are considered strong. Below 30, and your site needs improvement.


SEO expert Neil Patel says, “Building authority is a marathon, not a sprint.” It takes time and effort. Consistent quality content helps build authority.


Importance of Navboost

Navboost is Google's tool for measuring user engagement. Click data and time on-site are key metrics. Higher engagement means better rankings.


For instance, if users spend 5 minutes on your site, it's good. If they leave within 10 seconds, it’s bad. SEO experts recommend improving user experience.


Pages with high bounce rates rank lower. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave after viewing one page. Aim for a bounce rate below 40%.


SEO guru Brian Dean says, “User engagement is a strong signal to Google.” Engaging content keeps users on your site longer. Use images, videos, and interactive elements.


Publishing Frequency and Ranking

Publishing frequently boosts your ranking. Google favors fresh content. Aim to publish at least 20 times a month.


For example, sites that post daily have higher rankings. Consistency is key. Sporadic posting doesn't help much.


SEO expert Andrew Juma suggests a content calendar. Plan your posts in advance. Ensure regular updates to keep your site active.


Quality matters too. Don’t sacrifice quality for quantity. Well-researched, valuable content is essential. Mix long-form and short-form content for variety.


Optimized Anchor Text

Anchor text optimization is vital. Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. Properly optimized anchor text improves ranking.


For example, “best SEO tools” as anchor text is better than “click here.” Use relevant keywords in your anchor text. Avoid over-optimization.


Google penalizes keyword stuffing. Keep your anchor text natural. Aim for a balance between relevance and readability.


SEO consultant Marie Haynes says, “Anchor text should be descriptive and relevant.” It helps users and search engines understand the link. Use varied anchor texts to avoid penalties.


Avoiding Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is harmful. Overuse of keywords lowers your ranking. Google has a keyword stuffing score to detect this.


For example, using “best SEO tools” 50 times in a 500-word article is bad. Aim for a keyword density of 1-2%. It keeps your content natural and readable.


SEO tools like Yoast SEO can help. They analyze your keyword usage. Keep your focus keyword in check.


SEO expert John Mueller advises, “Focus on providing value, not stuffing keywords.” Quality content naturally includes relevant keywords. Write for humans, not just search engines.

Best seo Keyword Research Tools for new websites

With Google’s search leak, keyword research is more important. Several tools can help. Here are the top keyword research tools:



Ahrefs is powerful. It offers extensive keyword data. You can see keyword difficulty, search volume, and traffic potential. For example, “best SEO tools” has a keyword difficulty of 30.



SEMrush is comprehensive. It provides keyword ideas and competitive analysis. You can find related keywords and see how competitors rank.


Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz offers detailed insights. It shows keyword volume, difficulty, and potential. For example, “SEO tips” has a search volume of 1,000.


Google Keyword Planner

Google’s tool is free. It provides basic keyword data. You can see search volume and competition levels.



Ubersuggest is user-friendly. It offers keyword suggestions and content ideas. You can see keyword trends and search volume.

keyword tools seo experts user experience

Ahrefs for Comprehensive Keyword Research

Ahrefs is a top choice. It offers detailed keyword analysis. Use it to find the best keywords for your site.


For example, “best SEO tools” shows 5,000 searches per month. The keyword difficulty is 30. It means moderate competition.


Ahrefs also shows related keywords. For instance, “SEO software” has 2,000 searches. Use these insights to optimize your content.


SEO expert Larry Kim says, “Ahrefs is invaluable for keyword research.” It provides comprehensive data. Use it to stay ahead of competitors.


SEMrush for Competitive Keyword Analysis

SEMrush is great for competitive analysis. It shows how competitors rank. Use it to find keyword opportunities.


For example, if a competitor ranks for “SEO tools,” analyze their content. See what keywords they use. Create better content to outrank them.


SEMrush provides keyword difficulty and volume. For instance, “SEO strategies” has a difficulty of 25 and a volume of 3,000. Target less competitive keywords for better results.


SEO strategist Ann Smarty says, “SEMrush helps uncover competitors’ secrets.” It’s essential for staying competitive. Use it to refine your SEO strategy.


Moz Keyword Explorer for Established Sites

Moz Keyword Explorer is another excellent tool. It offers in-depth keyword analysis. Use it to find high-potential keywords.


For example, “SEO tips” has a volume of 1,000 and a difficulty of 20. It’s a good keyword to target. Moz shows related keywords and their metrics.


Moz also provides keyword suggestions. For instance, “SEO tricks” has 800 searches. Use these suggestions to expand your content.


SEO expert Cyrus Shepard says, “Moz is great for finding keyword opportunities.” It provides valuable insights. Use it to optimize your keyword strategy.


Google Keyword Planner for Freelancers

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool. It provides basic keyword data. Use it for initial keyword research.


For example, “SEO guide” shows a volume of 2,000. The competition level is medium. Use this data to plan your content.


Google Keyword Planner also shows keyword trends. For instance, “SEO tools 2024” is trending. Target trending keywords for better visibility.


SEO consultant Aleyda Solis says, “Google Keyword Planner is good for basic research.” It’s free and easy to use. Use it to get started with keyword research.


Ubersuggest for Bloggers

Ubersuggest is user-friendly. It offers keyword suggestions and trends. Use it to find new content ideas.


For example, “SEO tools” shows a volume of 4,000. Ubersuggest provides related keywords and their metrics. Use this data to optimize your content.


Ubersuggest also shows keyword trends. For instance, “SEO tips 2024” is rising. Target trending keywords for better rankings.


SEO expert Neil Patel says, “Ubersuggest is perfect for beginners.” It’s simple and effective. Use it to enhance your keyword strategy.